About CyclingSafety.co.uk

Cycling Safety is a project led by the Digital Twins for Sustainable Development Goals at Queen Mary University of London that aims at quantifying road safety for cyclists to inform active travel spending and policies. This project uses crowdsourcing to collect data from cyclists on the roads using connected IoT sensors that measure visual, acceleration, rotational motion, and air quality. This data is then processed to quantify:

  • The level of comfort: is the road too bumpy? We interrogate acceleration and rotational motion data to quantify the road roughness.
  • The level of safety: how do cyclists perceive their safety? We examine visual, acceleration, and rotational motion data to infer the safety perception of cyclists.
  • The Air Quality Indicator (AQI): is the air quality safe for cyclists? We measure the variation of AQI along the roads over time to determine the safety of cyclists. (Currently not available)